Solar Vibration & Flicker based installations and research
Andrea Sztojánovits
andreasztojanovits [at] gmail [dot] com
Andrea Sztojánovits (HU) was VJing at techno parties and has been working on real-time audiovisual installations since 2001, she got her Doctorate Degree in 2019 at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts with her dissertation ‘VJing as a method’. Besides her creative work she is a lecturer at the Intermedia department at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. Her main educational and research fields are visual music and art inspired by neuroscience with the focus on meditation/chill spaces and closed eye visions.
2011-2019 Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts: DLA Department (DLA)
2001-2009 Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts: Intermedia Department
2003-2009 Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts: Teacher Department
Solar Vibration sensipaint installation with Éva Köves painter and Gergely Álmos musician at Light Dome, Budapest, 2024
The Tools of Experience | RHYTHMS Visual score graphics with paint, 12 Hertz group exhibition, Lighthouse Kollab month, 2024
Flicker videoinstallation at 12 Hertz group exhibition, Lighthouse Kollab month, Budapest, 2024
Nest AR installation at Collegium Hungaricum Rome, Fotonica Festival, Rome, Italy, 2023
Naked Waves sound-light installation concert with Gergely Álmos musician, architecture at Nádor Galery, Zsolnay Light Festival, Pécs, 2023
Baalbek interactive installation, Digital Art Festival, Kairo, Egypt, 2023
Oasis light installation at Superluminal group exhibition, LAM Budapest, 2022-23
Solar Vibration sensipaint installation with Éva Köves painter and Gergely Álmos musician at Light Dome, Budapest, 2024
Monochrome Clack I installation with Éva Köves painter at Light Revolution group exhibition, LAM Budapest, 2022-23
Nest videoinstallation at Binálé, Budapest, 2022
Lightmusic, Hungarian Cultural Institute, Istambul, 2021
Csontváry light spaces, interactive av installations, Zsolnay Light Festival, Csontváry Museum, Pécs, 2021
Lighthouse 360 light/videoinstallation, TÁNC International Contemporary Festival, Hangvilla theater room, Veszprém, 2021
Klara and the Sun, Pegazus, Szentbékkálla, 2021
LIGHTHOUSE x Sztojánovits Andrea: NEST, Debrecen, 2021
Csontváry’s nature, interactive av installations, MODEM Debrecen, 2019
The Ohm installation, Római Magyar Akadémia, Rome, Italy, 2019
Relief mapping, sculpture: Marcell Németh, Spaces (ap)art, Kunsthalle, Budapest, 2019
Crystal, objekt mapping installation, Designresistency art camp, MODEM, Debrecen, 2018
The flow of colors, paint mapping installation, Zsolnay Light Festival, Pécs, 2018
Monochrome Clack I. paint mapping installation, Pécs, 2017
Tools of experience installation, Dunart international art camp, Somorja, Slovakia, 2017
Silvered Light installation, Qualysoft Sommerfest & Vernissage, Vienna, Austriva, 2017
Scatches installation, Zsolnay Light Festival, Pécs / Riders on the Mall, Budapest/ Live Performers Meeting, Amsterdam, 2016
Monochrome Clack I installation, Modernity X Hungary, a festival of Hungarian Modernism in NYC, Alma Gallery, New York, 2016
The state of things, group exhibition, Veszprém, 2014
Breath Orchestra installation, Krakow, Poland, 2014
Oscillations exhibition, A38 állóhajó, Budapest, 2014
Ludwig Next: Monochrome Clack, Ludwig Múzeum, Budapest, 2013
Brain Crystal Mapping installation, A38, Researchers Night, 2013
Molecule variations – Behind the Vj Scenes – Vj Centrum, Átrium Cinema, 2012
Lenticular experiments, group showcase, DLA, MKE, Budapest, 2012
re:Lake 2. av installation, painting: Éva Köves, Kepes Központ, Eger, 2012
CrystalChoir av installation with Gábor Borosi, ‘Where are the deleted files hidden?’, Toldi Cinema, Budapest, 2012
Molecule variations II-III., Tat Gallery, Budapest, 2012
reOnion land-art installation, Burning Man Festival, Nevada, USA, 2011
Dodeca – with Éva Köves, Fészek Gallery, Budapest, 2011
Monochrome Clack and Re:Lake installation with Éva Köves, Donumenta, Regensburg, Germany, 2010
BYMM – Beat Your Mouse Movement installation / KIBU, 01SJ Biennial, San José, 2010
Monochrome Clack /Gödör exhibition: Átjárók, space-re-actions , Budapest, 2010
Landelion project –, Kinetika Art Fair, London, 2010
Upcoming II. Szemtől szembe group exhibition, Tran∑ activ online notes flash site Videospace, Budapest, 2009
Interfészek group exhibition, Fészek Gallery Budapest, 2009
Videó nem videó Intermédia retrospektív group exhibition, Millenáris, Pixel Gallery, Budapest, 2009
HackReality installation, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, degree work, 2009
YouLoop#1/Stark Fashion Week Berlin exhibition, Berlin, Germany, 2008
Vans shoes exhibition – Gödör club, 2007
Journey Round My Skull – interactiv dvd based on the writing of Hungarian author,
Frigyes Karinthy, co-director, visual remix, Millenáris Teátrum, Budapest, 2005
MODEM Center for Modern and Contemporary Art, Debrecen, Hungary
Light Art Museum Budapest, Hungary
Kamerametric, mïus X Attaray, Mária Kult, Budapest, 2024
Naked Waves, mïus X Attaray, Daad Festival, Ozora, 2024, Trafó House, 2022
Saint Ephraim Male Choir 20 years jubilee concert, visual, visual director, Margaret Island Theater, 2022
mïus x Attaray Visual – „How To” concert, visual / light Art quarter, Budapest, 2022
Nomadic Spirits concert visual, House of Music Hungary, Budapest, 2022
Saint Ephraim Male Choir, concert visual, MOM cultural Center, Budapest, 2022
Études au Toldi, mïus AV show, live session vide, Toldi mozi, Budapest, 2021
Ludwig Live: MÏUS X ATTARAY VISUAL, Ludwig Museum, Budapest, 2020
mïus concert visual, Splice Fest, London, Rich Mix, London, Live Cinema Festival, Róma / Ludwig Museum, Budapest, 2017-2019
Live act, III. Szlovákiai magyar képzőművészeti fórum, Dunaszerdahely, Slovakia, 2015
Bomb party varieté, Residency Program, La Fonderie, Genf, Switzerland, 2014
Crystalseals live act, Dunartcom Nemzetközi Művésztelep, Somorja, Slovakia, 2013
VJ szett / chill stage, Ozora Festival, 2013
Visual Performance, Music Contact, Sun Fesztivál, Csobánkapuszta, 2013
VJ set, Urban Art Forms festival, Graz, Austria, 2013
Brainwaves and MIDI, TRIP experimental concert, Metropol Studio Budapest, 2013
Kaptár Live – live act, Kepes Központ, Eger, 2013
LikeMeLikeMe dance performance visual Budapest/Kolozsvár, 2011
tatuIn av live act, Paksi Képtár, Paks, 2011
PR-Evolution Dance Company visual – Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2010
Negatíve Varieté kinetic visual, Budapest, Millenáris , 2010
Water Circus, 3d 360 degree Architectural Visual Mapping, Széchényi Bath, Budapest, 2010
TrekPort Architectural Visual Mapping, Eiffel Square, Budapest , 2010
LivePerformersMeeting visual set and presentation, Rome, Italy , 2010
LaptopsRus A tournament live performance with woman live performers, Madrid, Spain , 2010
Switch and Glitch party visual, Biscuit Reality live act, Millenáris, Budapest, 2010
Cökxpon Ambient Fest visual, Budapest / Cinetrip Sparty Gellért Fürdő, visual, 2010
2ManyDjs / TeleVision party, Budapest, 2009
Hannafest – Slovakia / Experimental, minimal – visuals, 2009
Cinetrip Plein Air party, 2009
Mapping Fest visual set – Geneva, Switzerland, 2009
Realistic crew concert visuals – Trafó House, Budapest, 2008
Al Di Meola -Horgas Eszter: Carmen visual/Syma arena, Budapest, 2008
Hanna Fest vizuál szett – Slovakia, 2008
LPM – Live Performers Meeting – Rome, Italy, 2008
Skylab visuals – Cinetrip Sparty series, 2008
Hairy records party visuals, 2008
LickTheClick party series visuals, Merlin Színház – Ame, Konrad Black, Modeselector, 2007
Illegálparty visual, Papírgyár303, Budafok, 2007
WAM-JAM Mozart Audiovisual Remix, Merlin theater, Budapest, 2006
SkinBag Performance – Labyrinth Art Fest, 2006
Budapest Wunderground – Melkweg, Amsterdam, 2006
Vj Race, Budapest / Visual Mass, Tűzraktér, Budapest / Vj Battle 1.0 – Meet the spider, Sonic klub, Budapest, 2006
Intersputnic Interplanetary Weekend, led installation and vjing in a lend art installation, 2006
Chi-recordings parties, visual, 2005
Neocortex Vj-demonstration – Felvonulási tér, visual and organizer, 2004
Vidámpark Art Fest visual, Pécs, 2004
Ablakadubra partik, visual, 2004
Dancing on the flying carpet – visuals for the contemporary orient dance theater, 2002
Export 1 – International vj conference and workshop – Hunnia Cinema, 2002
Cökxpon Ambient Fest vetítés – Gödör club / Tilos parties visual, Budapest, 2002
Frankhegy Electronic Art Fest visual, Budapest / Labyrinth Festival visual, Budapest, 2001
Experiments in Art inspired by Neuoscience with a focus on recreation and chill spaces in artistic practice, Immersive Space | Immersive Mind Lam Masters conference, Capa center, Budapest, 2024
Audiovisual Performance Methods lecture at Acquario Romano, Fotonica Festival, 2023
Dreamachine and Light-based Perception Research in Education, 30th Anniversary International Light Art Symposium, organized by The International Kepes Society, MOME, Budapest, 2023
Light art and interaction, Moholy-Nagy University, MOME Budapest, 2021
EXPLORING THE MOMENT IN BINARY Art and technology through sounds and images, with Álmos Gergely, Római Magyar Akadémia, Róma, 2018
Sensitive paintings and neural networks, ICT Proposer’s Day, Vertigo art and tech konferencia, Hungexpo, Budapest, 2017
Vjing, as method street lecture, Playground Fesztivál, Bécs, 2017 / Splice Fesztivál, London, UK, 2017
Paint Mapping and interactive installation lecture, Csontváry’s nature MODEM, Debrecen, 2019 / Pécsi jubileumi konferencia, Zeneművészeti Intézet, Pécs 2016
The chameleon project, Pecha Kucha, Kitchen Budapest, Akvárium Budapest, 2017
Vjing, as Method ROM festival, MüSzi, Budapest 2016
Naked Objects – How to build simple audioreactive led dimmer with Arduino? /
Arduino and Vezér software with Tamás Nagy software developer, Prezi, Budapest, Arduino day 2015
Brainwaves and audiovisual art lecture, Researchers Night, A38, Budapest, 2013
Brain mapping, Expanded Vjism, LPM Budapest showcase, AV Open Studios, 2013
AV Open Studios – Behind the Vj Scenes – Vj Centrum, Átrium Cinema, 2012
Laptoprus Festival, Madrid, Spain, 2010
Lightterapeutix, Mapping Festival, Geneva, Switzerland, 2009
2022-2024 Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Intermedia Department, senior lecturer, courses: Audiovisual interactive installation, visual music, light art
2017-2022 Budapest Metropolitan University, Media Design Department, college associate professor, courses: Media Design Studies 3, 4, 5, 6 (interactive audiovisual installation)
2016-2022 Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Intermedia Department, lecturer, courses: Audiovisual interactive installation, visual music, light art
EEG and audiovisuality workshop, University of Pécs, 2019
Paint mapping workshop, MODEM, Debrecen, 2019
Interactive installation workshop, MODEM, Debrecen, 2019
W.O.M.B.A.T. workshop, with Ágoston Nagy and Lóránt Szécshényi-Nagy, C³ Center for Culture & Communication Foundation, Bálna Budapest, 2018 / Prezi, Leonardo 50., Budapest, 2018
BKF Szki – lecturer, 2014
Rombus Artcamp, Germany, 2014
Correspondences and Interventions workshop, Krakow, 2014
Paint mapping workshop with Éva Köves painter, Ludwig Museum Budapest, 2014
Athéné Szki, Hangmester szak, Audiovisual basics course (2014-15)
Audiovisual Open Studios workshops (2013-14)
Correspondences and Interventions workshop, Stuttgart, 2013
LED controlling workshop, with Tamás Nagy Vezér software developer, C³ Center for Culture & Communication Foundation, 2013
Dr. Ámbédkar Iskola Vj workshop, 2013
Professional practice at Hubay Jenő Elementary Art School and Pedagogical Library Department, 2009
City Art Vj workshop, with Mátyás Kálmán, Kék Pont (2009-10)
12 HERTZ exhibition co-curating with Viola Lukács curator and Gábor Kitzinger artist, and Lighthouse 2024
Spectrum student group exhibition curator and mentor, Pécs, Zsolnay Light Festival, 2024
Immersive Space | Immersive Mind masterclass organizer, project leader, LAM Budapest, AQB
LUX_US student group exhibition curator and mentor, Intermedia Department, Pécs, Zsolnay Light Festival, 2023
The multidimensional mind, artist talk event co-organizer at Binálé, 2023
IM Spectrum workshops at Intermedia Department of Hungarian University of Fine Arts 2022-23
Zsolnay Light Festival co-curator, Pécs, 2017
ROM – Riders On the Mall audiovisual and VJ festival, co-curator with Endre Lehel Paksi, 2016
AV Open Studios founder, lecturer, 2012-2014
Vj Torna International (Budapest/Hungary, Rome/Italy, Minsk/Belarus, Mexico City/Mexico, Cape Town/South Africa) creative organizer, 2004-14
Expanded Vjism Budapest Showcase co-organizer, AV Open Studios/Vj Torna/ LPM, 2013
Where are the deleted files hidden? co-organization, VJ Centrum Budapest, Toldi mozi, 2012
Nonamevj / Vj Centrum workshops, 2010-2013
AV Open Days organization, exhibition, 2012
Live Performers Meeting, creative coordinator, Rome, Italy / Minsk, Belarus, 2011
Neocortex Vj-demonstration co-organization – Felvonulási tér, Budapest, 2004
Publications (HU)
Absztrakt Kozmosz A VJ háttérországa, avagy az underground partikultúra és a vizualitás kapcsolata, Új Művészet, ZENE ÉS KÉPZŐMŰVÉSZET melléklet, 2020. június
“A hangulat mély, csendes üteme” / Csontváry természete riportok, 2019, MODEM
A vjing, mint módszer – DLA Disszertáció, MKE, DLA, 2017
TRAN∑: / Audiovizuális kísérletek – szakdolgozat, MKE, Intermédia szak, 2009
Improvizatív digitális mozgókép alkotás az oktatásban az audiovizualitás eszközeivel, MKE, Tanár szak, 2009
Beszélgetések partykról, audiovizualitásról, vjing-ről, interjúk, 2009
Bibliography (HU)
Bordács Andrea: Ada Lovelace követői. Nők és technológia, Új művészet, EZ NEM
Kovács Andrea: Fakultatív fénytanórák 3. rész Színváltozás, videóinterjú, 2021, Deák17 Galéria
Viski Noémi: Kilépés a kiállítások hagyományos keretéből – Interjú Lukács Viola kurátorral,
Takács Dalma: „A teremtés első lépése a fény megalkotása” – interjú a debreceni Lighthouse művészeivel, 2021,
Szoboszlai Lilla: Belakott kirakatok Debrecenben, 2021,
Balogh Dóra: Átélhető fény-terek, 2021,
Uszkay Tekla: Egy közösségteremtő művésztelep, 2020, Új Szó
Debreceni Nemzetközi Művésztelep, Designrezisztencia katalógus, szerk. Csontó Lajos, Horányi Attila, Süli-Zakar Szabolcs, 2018
Dizájnrezisztencia, 2018,
Márton Zsófia Eszter: Designrezisztencia – művésztelep Debrecenben, 2018, Műértő
Kosztolni Ildikó, Medgyesi Gabriella: Fényévek /ismeretterjesztő film, 2016
Paksi Endre Lehel: Több fény! fénykörnyezetek katalógus, 2015, Új Budapest Galéria
El-Hassan Róza: Andrea Sztojánovits – Monochrome Clack and our Architectural Spaces, Syrian voices mediation and art blog, 2015
Hajdú Gabriella: Atmoszférikus fényjátékok és hanginstallációra megelevenedő festmény a Ludwig Múzeumban, 2013, Fotoklikk
Ne feledd, mindenki vetít, 2016, Contextus
Hiba és társai. A Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem Doktori Iskolájának kiállítása, katalógus; szerk. Beke László, Mayer Éva; MKE DI, Bp., 2014
Donumenta 2010 Hungary katalógus, Regensburg, 2010
Muladi Brigitta: Interfészek, 2010, Új Művészet
Affinity – Art Camp and conference – Szentendre / VJ DJ – kerekasztal beszélgetés, 2009